November 23 2006:
Forget about marrying for happiness, I have decided I need a man to be rich. Rich because ''comfortable'' doesn't seem to cut it for two people in this day and age.

My reason for switching is because I have had enough of working. It's not that I don't like working, I just don't like the people. I have yet to come across a workplace where I am truly happy i.e I get on with most people and look forward to coming in to work.

Everywhere I go I come across the same type of person: smarmy, pretentious, la-di-di aspiring middle class folks. Now I'm not a classist, far from it (though I can be mistaken for snobbishness at times, although I have nowt to be snobbish about!!) but these 'aspiring middle class' folks are all the same. They want to eat, drink, and sniff the good life whilst running up high debts and paying off their student loans simultaneously. They are elitist arse-kissers who live for posh titles and lording it over others. You know the office skivvy who isn't your boss but acts like it anyway, that my dear friend is (probably) one of the 'aspiring middle class'. Or the person who has a small role in the office with a fancy title and is pedantic about using it-that my friend is (definitely) one of the 'aspiring middle class'.
I tire of these people. Especially when I hear them throw around this 'chav' word, like they have any right to be condeming anyone. Because you bought your gold jewellery from Bonds instead of Argos and get drunk on Dom PĂ©rignon instead of Lambrini, does not make you better than anyone else.
So if I marry someone who has already done the groundwork I no longer have to meet these freaks. I can stay at home writing my soon-to-be best selling novels, whilst raising the babies and cooking up a storm in the kitchen (not to mention the bedroom!)
So if there is anyone, anyone at all, send your name and salary on a:
© Rachelle Hull 2006
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